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St Oliver's Primary School, Cullyhanna


2020/2021 School Year

25th Jun 2021
A special thank you to Mrs Lavery who prepared the P7 children for their Leavers...
18th Jun 2021
Well done to this grinning bunch of Primary 6s & 7s who completed their Daily...
9th Jun 2021
On Wednesday the P6/7 took part in a zoom conference with six other schools. The...
8th Jun 2021
We had a BIG move today. The cocoons were moved from their cup to the Butterfly...
7th Jun 2021
We came back into school this morning to find that our 5 chubby caterpillars are...
3rd Jun 2021
St. Oliver's are so proud of our P7s who gained their 'pen licences' from Mrs. Lavery...