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St Oliver's Primary School, Cullyhanna

Home School Gallery...Keeping Connected!

6th Jun 2020

New hens...Flapjack, Chips , Rosetta and Big Bertha
New hens...Flapjack, Chips , Rosetta and Big Bertha
Ruari's A Fortnite Fan !!
Ruari's A Fortnite Fan !!
Lorcan's Lockdown Birthday...
Lorcan's Lockdown Birthday...
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday
Kirwan's new kitten...Loki
Kirwan's new kitten...Loki
Kirwan's Casino...
Kirwan's Casino...
Hitchin' a lift...Dorsey style!
Hitchin' a lift...Dorsey style!
Lots of school work getting done...
Lots of school work getting done...
Practising their putting...
Practising their putting...
Tomas...the new Jamie Oliver !!!
Tomas...the new Jamie Oliver !!!
Aine... with Big Bertha
Aine... with Big Bertha
So much Maths to be learned from ...POKER !
So much Maths to be learned from ...POKER !
Tomas hits the golf course!  Fore!
Tomas hits the golf course! Fore!